Sunday, September 13, 2009

Clasees Adventures and more!

The past week or so has been pretty busy, I've actually been going to my classes and the schedule seems to have steadied out a little bit.
I started my Green India class on Friday, which I am really excited about the class focuses on different ecological issues facing India, what has caused them, and what to do to address or try and fix them. Our teacher, Soonu is AMAZING. She looks like an Indian Julia Child, with big glasses and super curly hair and the warmest face. She had just returned from her first trip to the United States and was excited to share her adventures with us. You can certainly tell that she has a passion and joy for life and I'm looking forward to working with her. She has also traveled around India quite a lot so I'm sure she will have some tips for us as we embark on various trips around the country.
Friday afternoon, Mike and I joined Pamela for another few site visits. Not to be overly optimistic but I think I may have found a potential internship site, the only thing that needs to happen is figuring out my hours and if there is a place for me. I really hope I get this one though. The place I am interested in working is called WIN (pronounced with a "V") home and its focus is: W.omen I.n N.eed. Women and teenaged girls can come and stay there if they are in any sort of distress and the group helps to facilitate solutions for the women. They also have a bedroom for at least five women to stay, and if they run out of space, they use the floor. The center helps women to find jobs and medical care if either one is needed. Another thing the home does that I think is really cool is teaching them various skills such as candle making and flower arranging. The sister (as in Catholic Nun Sister) that we met with was saying that then the flowers and candles are sold at a weekly gathering at another church where people from all faiths come to meet and pray. Then the money that is made is used to help around the house and also to the women to help them in whatever way is needed. I am really excited about the prospect of working there, so as soon as I get an "official" confirmation I will let you all know.
This weekend we did a trip up to Lonvala which is about an hour and a half north of Mumbai. The main part of the trip was exploring this huge mountain top which was beautiful. We had gotten into the city Saturday night and went up the mountain but it was super cloudy so we couldn't see much, but it was still fun and Mike took some fun pictures. Driving up the mountain was really exciting, we took all of these super sharp hairpin turns up the mountain and of course back down.
On Sunday we drove back up the mountain with all these crazy turns and could see some the beautiful scenery surrounding us. While we were driving up, there were a bunch of cows in the middle of the road, which made getting up the mountain a slightly intense process of weaving through cows and cars coming the other direction but we made it safe and sound. Everything here is this fantastic shade of green that provides a sharp contrast to the brown. I've been taking pictures but they don't do the scenery justice. On the mountain we overlooked this cliff where everyting we saw was this amazingly alive and vibrant green and AMAZING! It provided such a sharp contrast to the gray clouds that hung over us for most of the time that we were up on the mountain. On the mountain we walked near this waterfall that can be completely flooded, but wasn't while we were there so we could go around it and while we were there, we saw crabs wandering around. We also saw a camel which was awesome.
It was such an amazing weekend and such a fantastic trip.

Peace, Love, Elephant Kisses- Emmy
The camel we saw, I don't know why but this was rediculously exciting for me!
A view from the top of the mountain in Lonvala, again no justice is done in this picture.

1 comment:

  1. I will keep praying that this is the right intership for you. Sounds very interesting and right up you alley. I think I want to be you when I grow up. I love the pictures. I see the new camera is working out well. Watch out for the cows. I love cows. Bring me one home! Love, Karen
