Monday, September 28, 2009

Internship Adventures

Since I have posted, I have had two full days at my internship, which has been amazing. As I said last time, my internship is at a legal services place which will have me exploring a bunch of different issues related to women's rights. It is pretty much a perfect for me.
Getting there is kind of tough. To do it I take at least 3 forms of transportation, in addition to my feet. To remember where I need to go when I have my key words: "Bandra Station. Goregoan with return. Platform Number 1. Green Stripes. Platform Number 1. Green Stripes. Platform number 1 green stripes. Bus 33. Threes with tails. Baghat Singh (like the fat lady does when its over) Nagar. Baghat Singh Nagar. Walk walk walk. Station Please. Platform number 2. Green Stripes. Platform number 2. Green Stripes. Platform number 2. Green Stripes. Pali Hill/Turner Road/Holy Family Hospital." To give you a break down: Brandra Station is where I ask my rickshaw driver to take me. Goregoan is the train station. Platform Number 1 is where I stand at Bandra Station. I get into a green striped (second class, womans) car. Baghat Singh Nagar is where I get off of the bus. Then I walk to my site. Station is where I tell the bus driver I'm going on the return. Platform number 2 is where I stand. When I get off, I tell the rickshaw driver any of those locations and pray to ever diety known to mankind that one will take me there. The three hardest parts of my day are getting off (yes off) the bus at Baghat Singh, I never seem to be able to see it; getting on the bus to take me to the train station; and finally finding a rickshaw. There are a lot of people normally looking for a ride so the drivers can be picky.

Anyways my internship site is turning out to be great. I've spent most of the past two times there reading/researching Indian laws and rules and regulations as well as various factors that impact women. This has been really helpful in giving me a framework for the report I'm eventually going to do. Additonally, it is providing me with some information that I wouldn't know or understand otherwise. Once I'm able to learn more and understand more I'll look forward to telling everyone about what I'm learning but right now I'm still just processing all that there is to know and sorting it. Both days that I have been there, women have come in normally to file for divorce or address some issues with their husbands. One particular woman "M" is fialing her case on Wednesday, and I got to read over her petition this week. I couldn't believe some of the things I read. For example, her husband abandoned her and her new baby at the hospital and refused to pay any of the bills in the hospital. She had been abandoned and abused by this man that she trusted and married without the support of her family. Since I'm going with her on Wednesday to court, and will probably see and hear more of her story as she goes through this process.

This weekend we went to the Navarati Festival, which was pretty much a HUGE dance party. We went to this location where literally thousands of people were dancing around in huge circles. I wish I could say that I joined in, but they were moving really fast and it was hard to even follow their movements, let alone adance with them. Later we were told that people had been practicing for at least a month leading up to the festival, there were a lot of prizes invovled in the event, so the level of dedication is not surprising.

My classes are continuing to go well and I am enjoying myself and the different opportunities for learning they each offer. My Bollywood class continues to expose us to the side of India that is infused with music and laughter. While Green India challenges us to look critically at ecological problems in the country.
Peace, Love, and Elephant Kisses-Emmy


  1. Sounds perfect for you. Maybe one day in the future we can open up a clinic for abused women. We would make a great team. Is it Christmas yet, don't mean to rush time, but we miss you.

  2. Am so enjoying your adventures in India. Just getting to your internship place sounds like it would take forever. It is just great that you ended up in a place where you can learn how other people deal with family abuse. Think about you so often. Brennan and Don are hanging in there.

  3. i love you and miss you lots emmy!!! your blog makes me so happy!

  4. Ahh I remember those days of having to remember which bus to take, how to flag down a rickshaw and which train car to go in. I don't know if you already know this, but you can buy a 3 month pass for only about $20 US for the train so you don't have to keep buying tickets every day. I tell ya, I wish I took pictures inside the train purely to capture the community that you were talking about. People watching is so much fun!

    I can't wait to hear more about your internship! I'm so happy that you've been able to find a place that fits what you're trying to accomplish. The stories and petitions that you read must be so mind blowing and interesting at the same time.

    Love love love is being sent your way. Miss you!
